Affirmations – Advent Calendar

On the 1st of December I started with a 21 days meditation/manifestation challenge, initiated by a meditation group in Germany. Two weeks ago I suggested in a couple yoga classes (so not all of you in the classes know about this). Repeat a different positive affirmation or mantra every day as an Advent Calendar starting on the 1st of December until Christmas. If you were busy or didn’t know about it from me….. do it now or as a family game at Christmas or New Year’s Eve: everyone states a positive affirmation. You can come up with your own or there are many in the books by Louise Hay, Dr. Wayne Dyer, etc. for example.

If you like New Year’s resolutions start at the 1st of January.

You can start for yourself anytime…. and know that many around the world are doing the same. The gist is, when you practice or do something for a minimum of 21 days every day (if you miss one you start again at day one) it becomes a habit.

Here are some examples I created for you as a motivation and inspiration. When you repeat an affirmation often it becomes a Mantra.